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Sunday 5 January 2020

Steps on the route of Sustainable Living

Thank you for being a Change Maker and leading the way to a greener life, the right and presently utmost important thing for environment.

You are reading this blog, which means you are already on the way of leading a Sustainable - Go Green life.

Below are some easy ways or "Life-hacks" if you want to help our mother nature. You may already be practicing many from the list below, which is great! 👍😎

Hopefully, you will get some new ideas here. I do not claim this list is exhaustive in any way, so if you find anything missing please leave them in the comment section.

1. Practice minimization where ever you can, make it as your style of living : be it clothes, foot wears, electronics, food etc.
      If it looks difficult to start, try donating clothes, toys, mobile phone, headphones, electronics which is not used for more than one year.
      Make it as a Zero Waste Lifestyle ! Utilize the most of what ever you have now or purchase in future.

2. Choose your mode of travel wisely :
Prefer bus#11 🚶(walking / running) or basic mechanical bicycle 🚴. In case distance is too long, use public transport. When public transport is not possible use shared transport like shared taxi, car pool etc. and avoid personal cars / taxis/ 2 wheeler's  specially if you are a single rider. Opt for electric cycles, cars or bio-fuels options for vehicles.

3. Relish local : use local products, eat what is grown locally, wear local brands.
       Will not only boost the local economy , but will also significantly reduce our carbon footprint as products need not to travel across the globe.

4. Avoid aircon - you may also take this as a challenge that how many minutes to hours you can stay in natural air or in fan in summer.

5. Spend time on real games / sports rather than video games; running in garden/road rather than in gym.

6. Take your own water bottle - do not purchase packed water. Opt for carrying water from home or leverage public water outlets

7. Carry your own bag for shopping

8. Reduce food waste (cooked and uncooked both)

9. Segregate the waste and recycle the most. Give your litter also the right place it deserves by choosing the right bin.

10. Say no to cosmetics even to ayurvedic and organic ones - trust me you are naturally beautiful.
      Seems impossible , try makeup free once a week if not at least try one day in a month.

11. Say no nail paint, actually most of men stays do not use it.

12. Practice and follow 3Rs - Rethink, Refuse and Reduce

13. Save Electricity - turn off lights, internet, appliances when not in use. Use of LED lights, more efficient / high star rated electrical appliances.
Use natural sun light when ever possible, rather than artificial lights. Sunlight also brings its all benefits

14. Save Electricity : Use natural sun - air to dry clothes, rather then using clothes dryer

15. Save Water & Electricity : Enhance your  laundry washing habits - use washing machine with full loads only, use normal /cold water for daily clothes wash. Use hand washing when clothes are not enough for a full load.

16. Save Water : Enhance bathing style - use bucket and mug for taking bath; if using shower try reducing it by a few seconds first.

17. Stop unwanted paper mails - bills, bank statements, pamphlets

18. Use natural cleaners : enzymes from fruit peels, can be made easily at home itself; natural alternatives like vinegar, baking soda and lemon juice are good to start with.

19. Stop buying Single-use items - like use-and-throw tooth brushes, razor etc.

20. Wash not wipe : switch to bathroom bidets and avoid use of toilet paper. You will contribute not only in saving trees but also will also help in saving water as manufacturing of toilet paper consumes a lot of water.

21. Use cloth napkins and avoid paper napkins.
22. Stop accepting napkins and disposable cutlery.

23. Carry your own hanker-chief instead of using paper tissues.

24. Pet poo collection : use newspaper or scrap papers to collect pet poo. It will also help in 100% decompose!

25. Be creative and personalized by opting a different packing material : Newspaper, books, magazines, used clothes.

26. Try for eco-friendly gifts : plants, hand-written notes on recycled material etc.

27. Buy products with less packaging - prefer to buy in bulk/ bigger size packs. Sooner you will also realize big savings also!

28. Support organizations who are working for sustainability - even if you do not sign up as a volunteer or donate money to such organizations, you may also contribute by promoting their initiatives.

29. Switch to cloth diapers.

30. Use reusable sanitary pads or menstrual cups.

31. Use cloth made or eco-friendly bibs.

32. Toy and game sharing - either can purchase a second hand toys / games. If you really love kids can start toy/games library in your area; at present a naive idea found only at few places.

33. Use rechargeable battery where ever possible.

34. Use solar chargers where ever possible - mobile, tablets etc.

35. Go for home-made foods. If you don't like your cooking then choose going out and eating at restaurant and avoid take-away's or home delivery.
Not finding your space 😑, and want to have food at home then take your containers for the take-away.

 36. Carry your own reusable cutlery when go out. Metal straws or drink directly from glass/bottle -avoid plastic straws.

37. Carry your own tooth brush when going on vacation. Avoid using single use brush given as complimentary in hotels.

38. Opt to be a Vegan , if not then at least a Vegetarian; avoid processed ones.
       If its hard taking this route try starting by at least 1 vegetarian meal in a week, I am sure you will start enjoying it.


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    1. Thank you Sarah, for actively commenting and posting here. Hope, you started following some more sustainable practices in your daily life.
      Sorry to say, that I removed some of your comments, which I felt not related to the topic in discussion.

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    1. Thank you for your comment Erica, your link is not working, and moreover I don't find its relevance with the blog topic so I removed your post.
