Most Greenhouse gases (GHGs)
produced from transportation, ground transportation contributes to more than 76%
where in 2 wheelers and cars, followed by trucks holds the maximum share. Study
shows that average motorcycle is 10 times more pollution per mile than a passenger
car, light truck or SUV, even though they are very fuel-efficient as compared
to cars and emit a lot less CO2 (reference1 , reference
The numbers below are for
grams of CO2 emissions, per passenger kilometre, and should only be taken as a
rough guide (reference)
• Trains
(carrying a 156 passenger average) – produces 14 gCO2
• Small
Car (carrying 4) – 42 gCO2
• Big
Car (carrying 4) – 55 gCO2
• Bus
(carrying 12.7) – 68 gCO2
• Motorbike
(carrying 1.2) – 72 gCO2
• Small
Car (carrying 1.5) – 104 gCO2
• Big
Car (carrying 1.5) – 158 gCO2
• Plane
(carrying 88) – 285 gCO2
• Ship
– 245 gCO2
When green and sustainable
transportation is considered it means reducing overall impact on environment,
i.e. not only reducing the emissions, but also lowering down the use of natural
resources be it fuels (Efficient). Many sees Electric vehicles as good
solution, however it serves only few parameters at the same time will create
grey spots in quite others like – battery disposal, impact caused by all new
infrastructure required for charging etc.
Probable solution is optimization techniques and sharing economy be it in infrastructure
utilization, already produced vehicles, fuel usage. Below are mentioned some
1. Reduce empty trips and number of vehicles on road,
ensuring an optimal level of vehicle availability and use
*#* Use of all cars, 2-3 wheelers, which are
already on road open for public, promoting vehicle sharing. How many single
riders are on road – can it be reduced.
Can government make it default for all registered
vehicles to be a part of SharingRide, and charge high premium to those who
still wants to enjoy single passenger ride ?
Transportation network and cab companies like
Ola, Grab, Uber etc. have shareride option, which ascertain that technology is
already available, we just have to use it more.
*#* Shareride on trucks – after unloading, same truck
can be leveraged with other transport company for the trip back
*#* School and Office Buses – as public
transport. Delhi itself has 2,468 school buses and around 500 vans, according
to government data. Can this be used as public transport buses when school
shifts are not there?
*#* Buses for commercial hubs like SEZ offices –
shared company buses, or special government buses for these locations to avoid
use of personal vehicles.
*#* Provide
Incentives to Increase Car Occupancy
*#* Limit the number of new license plates for new
vehicles and import of used vehicles
2. Reduce traffic jams
Traffic congestion on
roads not only increases the fuel consumption but consequently leads to increase
in carbon dioxide emissions. In addition to the re-enforcement of the traffic
rules and regulations, some means to improve traffic congestion and its impact
on pollution are here:
*#* Freight delivery hours in urban areas – special hours for freight delivery for heavy machines like trucks and even including the home delivery for all kind of on-line shopping items, groceries, fashion, household stuff etc.
*#* Promote fuel-efficient driving techniques :
*#* Promote fuel-efficient driving techniques :
(1) accelerate gently, (2) maintain a steady
speed, (3) anticipate traffic, (4) avoid high speeds, and (5) coast to decelerate.
Study shows these can reduce fuel consumption
by 25%. The NGO Green Communities Canada also provides a website on fuel efficient driving, The Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) initiative of the EU
(now closed) prepared a summary of eco-driving.
*#* Congestion charge or pay-as-you drive: introduce a fee charged on private
vehicles and taxis operating in the most congested areas during the most
traffic time
*#* Scheduling of operating hours of offices as per the location areas –
some offices can start at 7 AM, or some at 11 AM. Distributing over time will
balance the traffic.
3. Improve fuel economy and emission norms:
*#* Stringent fuel economy and noise level standards
for all kind of vehicles
*#* Rules and regulations for use of old vehicles
*#* Promotion of regular maintenance of vehicles
and may be not following emission norms as a civil offense.
Above all proposals,
ensuring access to transport services in unserved areas is needed.
Walking and cycling are THE
cleanest way, and also have huge benefit for health. Cities as diverse as Bogota,
Copenhagen, Montreal and Barcelona are leading the way here, cities like
Sevilla shows that this transition
can be rapid.
Building infrastructure for
them is not the only way to promote, however there are quite many other incentives
and promotion activities which can help here. Organizations like 42race who recognise and reward in virtual
runs; Mobike, PEDL who opened door for
rental cycle options definitely making the future.
*** Data
analytics will be a game changer here for optimization and sharing ***
I have just mentioned single liners proposals, each needs to
be personalized for the region and further study to implement in reality. But
this is ensured, all these have huge potential in bringing positive impact and
drive the path of #livingforfuture.
Share your thoughts in the comments sections below, or can
tweet or leave comments Facebook, that could help to accelerate the transition
toward green and sustainable mobility. I am happy to discuss and build these
proposals to reality.
Other good relevant reads:
How other cities are tackling air pollution caused by
transportation – Gaurdian
Sustainable Transport blogs, a repository of global policies
for transport – Worldbank blogs