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Monday 3 June 2019

What will happen if you Overuse ToothBrush ?

Have you ever question why you need to replace your toothbrush every three months ?

If you are thinking - its a scheme by toothbrush makers to sell their products more, its wrong. This is a recommendation from Dentists all across the globe and they have valid rational for the same.
Main reason is Bacteria - Toothbrush actually removes bacteria from your teeth and mouth, after brushing may be some bacteria are stays in brush. If brush stays in warm-damp environment these bacteria will breed and after few days toothbrush will become source of bacteria rather than a cleaning tool. Secondly, Bristles may become hard overtime and could be tough on your enamel.

However, even knowing above I wanted to explore the way how life of toothbrush can be increased. I don't want to even estimate, the impact of toothbrush all over the globe has on the environment, 7.7 billion people changing toothbrush 4 times a year! Even I don't remember how many toothbrushes I have used in my life, and all of them must be lying somewhere or the other landfill. There are many blogs describing the impact of toothbrush on environment, if interested can read here 
Photo by courtesy of
This curiosity of how badly it can impact, I started an experiment about 3 years ago, where I continued using my toothbrush, which I am still using it. Now the name of company is also gone, I guess it was Coalgate if not Peposodent.

 The only change I did was taking a bit care of it, making sure it is always kept in the upright position so it can dry properly. Ensure the toothbrush, mainly the bristles don't touch anywhere, not even any other toothbrush.

Keep it in direct sun every few weeks to sterilize it. Sun is natural sterilizer, learned from my mom, when she use to dry clothes in direct sun, and at least once a year she will keep all warm clothes, pillows, mattress in direct sun for 3-4 hours.

By placing directly in sun, UV light actually damage the DNA of bacteria and microorganism, and it can kill and stop their reproduction.

Initially after 6-7 months I asked my family members, "is this brush needs a change or can be used more", and I kept doing for another 1 year. Surprisingly, they didn't realize why I kept asking, its the same brush.

I have carried this brush in all my travels, from multiple cities in India, to  and some other countries too and it is still going good. People can be used for some few weeks, However, what I can share is this is the state of bristles about an year ago also. Another advise, while travelling pack the brush in a separate bag and never wrap it when it is wet.

Since the blog-series is about #Livingforfuture I would like to introduce to all available options.
Electric brushes are better than the normal ones, considering only bristles need to be changed, so amount of plastic waste generation in less. However, at the same time these brushes uses battery - which if not disposed properly will generate green house gases as they decompose in landfills. I wonder why no one has come up with a solution of normal toothbrush with replaceable heads.

There are couple of Eco-friendly brushes available in market now, Recycle from yogurt cups, bamboo sticks ; aluminum toothbrush with replaceable heads, silicon toothbrush etc. At least they will help to reduce some impact on the environment.

The best one off-course is the Neem sticks (Azadirachta indica) - best because it has anti-microbial content which prevents plaque formation, and it also whitens teeth. This comes with additional benefit that these sticks doesn't need any toothpaste..all in one!!

Now you know all possible options, choose the one depending on how much you really care about environment! After all,  Choice is Yours!! 

Be wise, Be aware and Be a part in a better tomorrow.

Saturday 1 June 2019

When less in quantity its always values more and satisfies most!!

Life is like Traffic full of surprises, noises, ups and ramps.   The more is noise the more it is difficult to concentrate! Concentration is actually one of the coolest gift, it helps to work faster, and gives time for additional activities. Focusing on the priorities helps to achieve the feeling of satisfaction so more happiness in life.

Have you ever thought, " if the road was clear having no traffic, I would have simply drive through it and enjoyed the ride". Or at time when you need to purchase just a small thing but not getting a parking space, have you ever though "What if I was walking would have simply completed the work?"

With more traffic, life gets cloudy, which makes it harder to stay and enjoy in present, get quality work done, and cultivate a peaceful mind. If we have only few handful, we not only take extra care for them, but also relish the moment and feel much happy and satisfied when we use them.

Be it the delicious dish, which taste The Best in the last few bites ..

Be it the special Pen, which is lucky to clear all exams and win all business deals !!

Be it the glass dinner set in mom's closet, which comes out only when someone special comes at home !!

This concept on Minimalist is quite old, our parents and grandparents were using it and many people across the world are following this today. The only thing new in this concept is the theory applies to all physical goods be it clothes, shoes, cosmetics, utensils etc.

I feel this theory is more a name given to practice the first three R's of 5R's principle of sustainability which asks for  Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repair and Recycle. And, if you value its hard to loose easily, it so its natural that person will find a way to other 2 R's - Repair and Recycle.

It's looks very simple theory, but  during start in execution it is difficult. The question you may be having is "Is this post saying and blaming you , that you waste Money and buy unnecessary things ?"  Before going there, ask yourself the following questions :
        Do you take time to decide what you want to wear today ?
        Is your store room or garage is full of some important stuff ?
        Do you purchase item, which is not in your list but just because you found a good deal?
        Do you like to be a part of Gang ? All your friends and cousin have buy a car so you should buy one.
         Is there anything which you have not used in last 6 months ? If you haven’t, will you use it in the next 6 months

If not, then it’s okay to let go. May be sell it you will get some extra money 😊 or gift it to someone needy they will become happy😃. Owning fewer possessions is quite uncommon, its opposite to our natural behavior pattern. Attraction to new things, end up in acquiring them and hold onto it for years and years.

I can share from my experience, once you have limited things the ones you relish the most - your every day becomes a special day. As you wear the special dress that day, eat in the special dish and this helps you to be happy which in turn helps to improve concentration.  And you will get more time to spend in your passion and hobbies. Its about getting happiness through life itself, not letting it up to gadgets or things.

Joshua Fields Millburn and Ryan Nicodemus, have helped minimalism grow via their documentary "The Minimalists" (available at Netflix and also some videos on Youtube), in their nationwide tour.

Whether or not you become any form of minimalist is entirely your Choice, but living by a few things will certainly do wonders in getting you extra time and may be with your finances.